Thursday, September 14, 2006

Submit Articles, the Sister Blog

I have published a sister blog to "Articles Submit" at the links below. You can press on them to see so many categories. Choose the category that reflects your theme and post your articles. Do it smart blogging to build more inbound links to your blog, and share your blog prosperity with me.

Sorry, I published that Blog on Wordpress and it is not available now. However, I can't delete this post. You have a chance to review something more interesting at the links below.

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Anonymous said...

That's a good looking blog too. Did you design it all by yourself?
Could you design me one?

Anonymous said...

Your blogs there are ranking well than those blogs here. Is there any secret behind this?

Anonymous said...

I liked most that one called "They Shoot Horses". It talks about simple creativity.

Anonymous said...

It seems that you're very active managing all those 30 blogs.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the ideas. I want to start a blog now. Tell me where to start?

Anonymous said...

The sister blog is for different kinds of articles but I couldn't find the form to submit to the category I wanted.

Anonymous said...

It's very difficult to categorize a blog as I think because that's not the techniques of those blogs.

Even, there seems to be categories organized by the publisher or the blog's owner, but any article that will be posted to any category will go up to the main post to appear at the top of the blog.

That's the way a blog works.

Anonymous said...

There's no any advertising there, so how somebody could make a business by posting articles or comments only?


Our Blogging Philosophy

This artsublog blog is not created to entice anybody or any political power. However, the blog stands strong against dictators and odd people in decision-making circles. It is a fact that some democracies are not more than false democracies. Some people we know in Europe practice politics as aristocratic way of thinking or a propaganda that says: Yes, we have democracy. That kind of democracy is cliché of democracy but not the right one.

Not withstanding this clarification of our thoughts we want to bring your attention to writing political articles on this blog or commenting on those hot lines.

We encourage you at the same time to send us arts too. This makes political content warm. Any kind of arts, like painting, sculpture works in photos, any design and animation, any opera and theatrical work in photos and so. Do not forget any other electronically work in pictures.

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