Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Somalis Islamist Militias are An American Industry!

The American policy in Somalia represents the wrong example of a moderated political influence in a very alarming and intensive area of disorder. The mistakes and errors which follow this policy are resulting in the recent political situation in Mogadishu.

Those who make this policy don't know Somalis! Misunderstanding people nature is very alarming when dealing with such issue in complete ignorance. When any people see their country exposed to foreign troops, those people will never be pleased by such acts, but they will definitely nurture their hatred to the Americans, nevertheless the Americans have nothing to do with their government’s interfering in Somalia.

Some Somalis were very pleased with the results of the September 11 disastrous acts in America. Who's there to blame them for their feelings since this was the first natural reacts to the American interference in their land?

Now could the American Administration see the full scope!

Rationality says people should never hate other people and that's quite correct. Those who create hatred and hate each others should take a deep look to what hatred produces!

If there's any rationality in the American policy towards Somalia, the American Administration should be aware of the negatives of its acts in Somalia. Unfortunately they're making the strength of those so called Islamist militias in Somalia in the White House!

Follow the news' wind Somalia's Political Problems| Somali News| Somali Refugees|

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