Sunday, June 25, 2006

Who's to Blame?!

US said Sheikh Aweys who headed previously al-Itihaad al-Islamiya militia in Somalia had links with al-Qaeda. See Hoa News Agency at

There is a thread missed intentionally in such claims. This thread belongs to the American foreign policy during the Cold War.

Nowadays any critique to the American international policy towards the 3rd World will be claimed as to be against the American people, which is not true. No one will ever hate the people in any land.

That's simply because no one will be pleased of the killings of the American soldiers in Iraq for example. That's absolutely nonsense, as no one will be pleased of the killings of the Iraqi people.

Now, there's no question about who's to blame? - The official American policy twords the 3rd World? - Bush administration? - John Kennedy? - Ronald Reagan? - Joseph Stalin? - Mikhail Gorbachev? - Saddam Hussein? or some other leaders we don't know?

The most important question is that - is it the intention of the American Administration to "chess-king" the Red Sea area too, considering those wars in Somalia, Sudan, and between Ethiopia and Eritrea?

More at Sudanese Dictatorial Regimes| Eritrea| Ethiopia|

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