Monday, June 26, 2006

Victims of Torture International Day!

This document at the Newsvine brings my attention to the Sudanese Victims of Torture. Under alleged deceitful Islamic propaganda, the recent dictatorial regime in Sudan conducted different kinds of torture against hundreds of Sudanese people during the first five years in power. People from different walks of life are still suffering from different kinds of continuous torture against them.

The term of Torture had never been presented in Sudan before those three dictatorial regimes in 1959, 1969 and 1989. This is why I am calling for submitting those dictators to the International Criminal Court since 2001.

I would like to bring the attention of those UN organs, to investigate the cases of the Sudanese Victims of Torture. Just ask the Secretary General of the Sudan Human Rights Organization. More at NIF| ICC| Indictment|Human Rights in Danish| Brigadier-Mohammed Ahmed Alrayah| Tortur| Ghost Houses| -

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Who's to Blame?!

US said Sheikh Aweys who headed previously al-Itihaad al-Islamiya militia in Somalia had links with al-Qaeda. See Hoa News Agency at

There is a thread missed intentionally in such claims. This thread belongs to the American foreign policy during the Cold War.

Nowadays any critique to the American international policy towards the 3rd World will be claimed as to be against the American people, which is not true. No one will ever hate the people in any land.

That's simply because no one will be pleased of the killings of the American soldiers in Iraq for example. That's absolutely nonsense, as no one will be pleased of the killings of the Iraqi people.

Now, there's no question about who's to blame? - The official American policy twords the 3rd World? - Bush administration? - John Kennedy? - Ronald Reagan? - Joseph Stalin? - Mikhail Gorbachev? - Saddam Hussein? or some other leaders we don't know?

The most important question is that - is it the intention of the American Administration to "chess-king" the Red Sea area too, considering those wars in Somalia, Sudan, and between Ethiopia and Eritrea?

More at Sudanese Dictatorial Regimes| Eritrea| Ethiopia|

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Sudan and Chad New Political Tragicomedy!

One more time I should say again, what we're experiencing in Africa is tragicomedy! Rebels create rebels. Military dictators create more military dictators in their neighbourhood. And the play goes on.

It's too comic to the standard of the misery or the standard of the chaos to see allied coups leaders in neighbouring countries accusing each other of exporting their political problems to the other countries.

The Sudanese Dictators who succeeded in creating the Patriotic Salvation Movement in Khartoum to overthrow the Chadian President Hussein Habre are now getting the worse results of their act from those who have created and supported 16 years ago.

This is also true to mention again that some neighboring countries to Sudan dislike seeing these million square miles united and strong. The recent military dictatorial regime is to blame of getting Sudan into the worst period of its modern history. More at Darfur| Save Darfur Coalition| Darfur Rebels| Darfur Crisis| Fur| Chad|

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Friday, June 09, 2006

Feeling of Sorrow!

I was building them several networks during 10 years of my life lasted in the last century, while they destroyed all that I have to build myself professionally as journalist. I indeed did not think of any money making strategies while I was working there. That's simply because I was more revolutionist than those who are still in power.

Just follow my blogs at the right column as the same as those link in this article to read more about my initiatives. More at Red Sea Paradise.


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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Test of the Nile!

One of the Somali people who knows how to speak good Arabic asked while he was dancing in the Bazaars in Aarhus one Saturday: “ايه حصل للنيل يا اخوان؟” and added “طعم النيل مالوش بديل”. He meant us – me and my friend - although we don't know him. We got the gesture and appreciated it while his thoughts were connected to Sudan though our memories went back to Somalia. More at Sudan| Sudan News| Kordofan|


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