Saturday, April 08, 2006

USA Calls for Political Resolution in Ethiopia!

The American Administration has committed to bring the Ethiopian Government and Opposition together, News sources said this week. IRIN reported from Addis Ababa on the 7th of April that the USA called the Government in Addis Ababa and the Opposition to stop the current tension between them.

Vicki Huddleston, the US charge d'Affairs to Ethiopia, said on Thursday the ruling party and the opposition should move forward to bring about lasting stability to the disrupted country after months of resettlement, violence and state imposed jurisdictions against opposition.

Huddleston called for “democratising the political process in Ethiopia” while praised the government's decision to accept the opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy as a legal party.

She said "The Coalition for Unity and Democracy - the major opposition party, which won all the seats of the City Council - needs to take over the responsibility of administering the capital, Addis Ababa, and all voices need to be heard in the country's parliament,".

Huddleston urged the government in Addis Ababa to fuel the ongoing trial of 111 opposition party leaders, members and journalists. Those detainees are currently facing charges of attempted genocide and treason stemming from mass demonstrations against the May 2005 parliamentary elections. Security forces should refrain from taking unnecessary measures in handling protests, she said.

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