Monday, December 22, 2008

What Does Racism Mean?

One of my friends said in a letter: "I am the real brown person. However, some people call me black!

So what?

I always feel that people's colours do not matter. What matters is personality.

However, I felt that way at least until I received the following letter, which brought my attention to think about racism.

Who looks to the other from a frogeye?"

Read the answer at the headline. However, it has an anti racism group here below.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Arts You Blog Community Launched!

The Arts You Blog Blog has a community now to get friends and help them connect to each other privately or in public. Now visitors can join this Blog’s community to connect with friends and family members. You can do more than this in the community and keep your activities private or public. I found it interesting.

I am building communities for Friends Connect throughout my network. You can join the Ezine Acts community through the headline of this post.

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Our Blogging Philosophy

This artsublog blog is not created to entice anybody or any political power. However, the blog stands strong against dictators and odd people in decision-making circles. It is a fact that some democracies are not more than false democracies. Some people we know in Europe practice politics as aristocratic way of thinking or a propaganda that says: Yes, we have democracy. That kind of democracy is cliché of democracy but not the right one.

Not withstanding this clarification of our thoughts we want to bring your attention to writing political articles on this blog or commenting on those hot lines.

We encourage you at the same time to send us arts too. This makes political content warm. Any kind of arts, like painting, sculpture works in photos, any design and animation, any opera and theatrical work in photos and so. Do not forget any other electronically work in pictures.

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