Monday, March 17, 2008

The Political Complex in Denmark

I can see from the situation in Denmark that the governing party and its allies lack strategic thinking. Lacking of this strategic thinking lies into two different directions. Each of those two different directions is the reverse to the other. The complex of this situation lies here in this spot. So, how would you solve this complexion if you were a political consult?

Want to add your answer before I do?

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I'll get back soon to complete these lines or update you about the new page at the Ezine Act's Blog above.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

[3of3] Psychology: Personality Theories

The example of the way to freedom is one of those personality theories we have got in the African political struggle.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Dansk Racisme er topstyret

If he meant the UN political refugees, I think he missed that Denmark has signed international protocols and conventions in this case. Therefore, it is Denmark obligations to respect them (respect them means also respect of their cultures and beliefs) and adhered not to discriminate or treat them bad.

Moreover, that (welfare) money paid to them is international money, since it is devoted to develop the resettlement. Tying that money as (knotanthjælp) and then conditioning that help to refugees is breach to those international conventions, so it is wrong because simply Danes are not refugees.

Denmark can simply refuse accepting refugees or make such potential behaviours clear before taking them in through preceding Danish missions like Canada does. This is one point.

The second point, which is clear, the governing party wants to change even the elegant Danes behaviours towards refugees, especially those of whom many of them came from Arabic and Islamic backgrounds, without understanding that the party plants a future bomb in the green grounds of Denmark. It is the Danes duty next elections-term to change creating such situation.

VOTE for enhedslisten, the coming term comrades.

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