Monday, December 22, 2008

What Does Racism Mean?

One of my friends said in a letter: "I am the real brown person. However, some people call me black!

So what?

I always feel that people's colours do not matter. What matters is personality.

However, I felt that way at least until I received the following letter, which brought my attention to think about racism.

Who looks to the other from a frogeye?"

Read the answer at the headline. However, it has an anti racism group here below.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Arts You Blog Community Launched!

The Arts You Blog Blog has a community now to get friends and help them connect to each other privately or in public. Now visitors can join this Blog’s community to connect with friends and family members. You can do more than this in the community and keep your activities private or public. I found it interesting.

I am building communities for Friends Connect throughout my network. You can join the Ezine Acts community through the headline of this post.

Join at

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why there is Economical Crisis in USA?

U.S. President George W. Bush said "our entire economy is in danger," and he urged Congress to approve his administration's $700 billion bailout proposal. Reports referred to Sen. John McCain saying that he was suspending his campaign because of the nation’s economical crises. News said a discussion about a proposed Wall Street bailout is running between Sen. Barack Obama and George Bush.

The Illuminati series 2 - 13

Well, maybe the video says it indirectly, referring to the economical crisis George Bush has announced.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Political refugees

There is no definite and clear prescription to political refugees and human refugees. However, the UNHCR has clear descriptions to those terms.

read more digg story

Sudanese Music

The evolution process brings the Sudanese Music to play in harmony with these themes.

read more digg story

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Violence Will Not Solve Problems

I wonder why some folk write to encourage using violence to address some political crises?

Let us say, OK we will use that violence to solve our political problems and then engage in this violence to cause different killings. How could such acts be progressive acts for resettlement?

I read to someone who encourages using violence to solve the political problems in Sudan in one of Reuters posts about the last clashes in Sudan.

That voice says, "think sudan is now entering a new era where the different ethnicities question their position with in the state and their share of power and resources.

The only way possible they can narrow down the difference and marginalization is through the use of force. I think the recent violence is a clear manifestation of this. this has shown a turning point for the different factions fighting amongst themselves in remote places, how to direct their forces to challenge the ruling elite. And clearly the government has started to feel the heat."

I have replied to that call by the following:

Use of force is the cause of many disasters in Sudan. If this action helps, we do not have to have the longest civil war in Africa. However, unless the force is used by a united Sudanese revolution there is no way for tribal forces to get democracy. I have no wonder about the regional and international conspiracy against Sudan to devastate this united 1 million squire miles land.

The real problem of the civil dictatorship and the military dictatorship we have in our luck store since independence from Britain is that, the Sudanese people work separately in so many different groups but not one. Let them achieve unity in the revolutionary struggle first to assure that we will have unity in the country in the future.

I hate to see discriminating and bad intentions in this moderate discussion. Please be wise when you publish any input.

More at Darfur Rebels| Darfur Crisis| Fur| Afrojournal Blog.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Why Darfur intervention is a mistake

Might it work, or might we find ourselves with an open-ended commitment to policing a violent and divided region of the world, part of the problem and not the solution?

More at Darfur Rebels| Darfur Crisis| Fur|

read more digg story

Monday, May 12, 2008

When Ignorance Becomes a Pleasure

When ignorance becomes a pleasure, some people need to learn how to make their Words Sell!

Fran Healy, lead singer of the British pop group Travis, visited Darfur on behalf of Save the Children, and then said to the media, "Africa is a very complex place, but the Darfur crisis is quite simple. The conflict is essentially the Arabs against the African. It is all tied up in various battles over things like oil and gold."

It seems that the pop singer has no political knowledge or he is biased against the Arabs! However, I have no more wonders since lot of media sources are biased nowadays.

The statement about Darfur is definitely wrong! I know the ins and outs of the misery. Following the media totally is leading to misunderstanding and to a chaos! The problem is well known as an insufficient distribution to the development in Sudan.

It falls in this area of what we call the trouble of the marginal regions. There are other regions in Sudan, which share the same fate. In addition, the singer may even have not noticed that the Furs have Arabic and Islamic names!

Some of the people who are seeking refuge in Europe and even those who are not Fur claimed that they are fur escaping the crises to gain refugees status and live in the British paradise, or elsewhere in the west. We know this and we know some of them have been accepted there! Oh, my…

Those so called Janjaweed are created and supported both by what we call the military dictatorship and the civil dictatorship which depends on the mechanical majority dictatorship. This is our fate to share in all our regions and to struggle against the odds.

Such statement leads to discrimination, we hope the international media will avoid. More politics at Darfur Rebels| Darfur Crisis| Fur|

Are you a singer or a poet? Stand for peace! Here too --> and build your success at MYWS

Monday, April 28, 2008

Being a Disobedient Writer

The headmaster said he should punish me to keep his dignity and ordered the sergeant major of our school to punch me 10 hard strikes using his military stick. Nevertheless, I left the school the same day, rising my head steady up and sat for the university exam from home.

While I met the headmaster after 12 years with one of my colleagues at one of the first and big press houses, my colleague asked him if "he recognized me". He looked at my long hair and I helped him by bringing lines of the story in front of him, so he recognized his dogmatism. However, he appreciated a poetry I wrote my friend handed to him to read.

To get his own poetry published in the next edition of the Arts' section "Finoon", he brought two packs of national cigarettes to my colleague who received them smiling to him and winking to me at the same time. Full story at the headline. Press on it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Political Complex in Denmark

I can see from the situation in Denmark that the governing party and its allies lack strategic thinking. Lacking of this strategic thinking lies into two different directions. Each of those two different directions is the reverse to the other. The complex of this situation lies here in this spot. So, how would you solve this complexion if you were a political consult?

Want to add your answer before I do?

Login here and add your point of view respectfully to my Arts You Blog, Blog!

I'll get back soon to complete these lines or update you about the new page at the Ezine Act's Blog above.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

[3of3] Psychology: Personality Theories

The example of the way to freedom is one of those personality theories we have got in the African political struggle.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Dansk Racisme er topstyret

If he meant the UN political refugees, I think he missed that Denmark has signed international protocols and conventions in this case. Therefore, it is Denmark obligations to respect them (respect them means also respect of their cultures and beliefs) and adhered not to discriminate or treat them bad.

Moreover, that (welfare) money paid to them is international money, since it is devoted to develop the resettlement. Tying that money as (knotanthjælp) and then conditioning that help to refugees is breach to those international conventions, so it is wrong because simply Danes are not refugees.

Denmark can simply refuse accepting refugees or make such potential behaviours clear before taking them in through preceding Danish missions like Canada does. This is one point.

The second point, which is clear, the governing party wants to change even the elegant Danes behaviours towards refugees, especially those of whom many of them came from Arabic and Islamic backgrounds, without understanding that the party plants a future bomb in the green grounds of Denmark. It is the Danes duty next elections-term to change creating such situation.

VOTE for enhedslisten, the coming term comrades.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dinosaurs in False democracy

In politics as in other aspects of life, I believe that God has created some people only to make others crazy. Therefore, you should not lose your mind when you see those (some) climbing to power or staying like dinosaurs on it through false democratic phases.

Whenever you live, you should not be that coward who hides his head in the sand. You should stand strong to fight them off power. You need not to take a gun of course to get rid of them, but you will need certainly good critic through logic and inspirations to create your group of followers and to maintain your influence where you live.

Read more in Danish at the Nice Kids Fun too.

Our Blogging Philosophy

This artsublog blog is not created to entice anybody or any political power. However, the blog stands strong against dictators and odd people in decision-making circles. It is a fact that some democracies are not more than false democracies. Some people we know in Europe practice politics as aristocratic way of thinking or a propaganda that says: Yes, we have democracy. That kind of democracy is cliché of democracy but not the right one.

Not withstanding this clarification of our thoughts we want to bring your attention to writing political articles on this blog or commenting on those hot lines.

We encourage you at the same time to send us arts too. This makes political content warm. Any kind of arts, like painting, sculpture works in photos, any design and animation, any opera and theatrical work in photos and so. Do not forget any other electronically work in pictures.

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