Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bush Second Term! What Does It Mean?

Bush victory in the American elections and his second term is a good indication to the successful American policy towards the Middle East and specially in Iraq.

That doesn't mean Bush is right, but it means that the majority of the Americans voted for him in spite of what he has done in Iraq.

The 2004 American elections results should not be considered as something simple, because they declared that the American President has the strongest support ever for his International policy towards the Middle East and Iraq.

The invasion of Iraq, will certainly keep impressing the American policy by shame as Heroshima and Nagasaki did for a long time in our humankind history.....

What do you think?

More?.. continue at http://www.ezine-act-politics-business-and-love.com

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Between Hiroshima Japan 6 August and the NY 11 September!

Japan lit its candles of pure,"noble sadness" on the 60th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The mayor of the late city, Iccho Itoh, criticized the USA for dropping the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and following that after 3 days by the second atomic bomb which attacked Nagasaki.

The two bombs harvested the lives of more than 242,437 people to end the second World War by the surrender of Japan.

Read more.. Hiroshima/Nagasaki
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